YWCA of Asheville & WNC

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We Love our Foster Grandparents!

Since 1978, the first Sunday after Labor Day has been designated National Grandparents Day. This September 10, we are grateful for the grandparents and grandparent figures in our own families. We are especially grateful here at the YWCA for our foster Grandparent Volunteers. In our Early Learning Program, foster Grandparents partner with classroom teachers to support students and offer the care that grandparents are known for. Our classroom teachers appreciate the support, and the children appreciate the attention. 

We all know it takes a village to raise happy, healthy, productive citizens and our foster grandparents allow us to expand and enrich our village. Researchers call it “intergenerational solidarity,” but we call it love. These solid, loving connections help children develop the skills, confidence, and strength to be successful in life. We asked our amazing volunteers “What do you enjoy most about being in the classroom?” and here is what they shared:

Grandma Janelle: “I love being around the children and helping them with activities (like puzzles and blocks) in the classroom.”

Grandma Pat: “I just love being with the children. I love showing them love, and the way they show love back to me. It’s all about the love!”

Grandma Evonne: “I love holding and feeding the babies, and the fellowship with others. The staff is wonderful, and I love the teachers. I am so glad to be back.”

Grandma Brenda: “I love watching the kids learn and grow! Kids crave love, smiles, and hugs…and they sense love. When I see their smiles when I walk in the door, that lets me know I’m doing a good job of fulfilling my purpose - to give love and show caring in a world that needs it now more than ever!”

Here are a few reflections from our classroom teachers when asked, “What do you most appreciate about our Foster Grandparents?”

  • Room 1 - “Grandma Evonne is so helpful in the classroom and sweet to the babies - and us! She always comes in with a smile and brings a lot of wisdom into the infant room.”

  • Room 2 - “We appreciate all of the extra support from Grandma Martha and Grandma Brenda. They have been very flexible (working extra hours) and supportive of the toddlers as they transitioned into a new space.”

  • Room 3 - “ I could go on and on about Grandma Delores! I appreciate the extra set of eyes in the classroom. Delores is very hands-on, and the children really respect her.”

  • Room 7 - “Grandpa Kenneth is so gentle, caring, and nurturing with the children. He is really  helping them learn about manners.”

  • Room 10 - “Grandma Pat and Grandma Janelle help us so much! They provide two extra sets of eyes for supervision and laps for kids to sit on. Our Grandmas give extra snuggles and love to the children and love reading with them.”

A big thank you from the entire YW to our Foster Grandparent Volunteers!