Building Update: 10.28.21

** This Saturday, October 30th our building and all programs will be closed. Below you will learn about the maintenance and projects happening this Saturday on our campus. ** 

Trees and Landscaping

It is with great excitement that we share the start of a landscaping project that addresses the loss of mature trees mistakenly cut down in 2019. Although we know it is impossible to replace the mature trees, we have worked closely with our community, listened intently, and received input on what that replacement could look like. What we heard was a resounding call for Native plants, both trees, and shrubs.This plan requires several steps. The first of which is preparing the land for planting. You will soon see excavation work on our property. The majority of the work will be removing large root balls that may prevent new plants from growing, irrigation, and light grading. Once this is complete we will be planting Pink Dogwoods and Eastern Redbud Trees this fall.This upcoming Spring 2022 we will be finishing the project with a variety of native bushes and mulch.Thank you for your ongoing support in making our property look complete once again.

Pool and Water Tank

This week we learned that the water heating system for our building is in need of service. Our facilities team and service providers have acted quickly and made the necessary arrangements in order to fully replace our water tank this Saturday. The water tank is one of two necessary steps needed in order to replace our water heating system that services our building and pool. The second step will be a heat exchange install. As you may be aware, there are several shortages and delays on a variety of products across our nation. The water exchange parts needed for this repair have been estimated by our service providers to have an extended wait period and we currently anticipate a wait time of at least six months. The heat exchange allows us to regulate our pool temperature and although our pool's heat is maintained by solar panels, it requires an additional heat source to get it up to the temperature we are all used to.

Because we are in the beginning of the winter season, our panels do not receive enough sun and these cooler temperatures require more energy to heat the pool to traditional levels. At this time we are working diligently to assess how much the temperature of our pool will vary. This upcoming week after the first part of the repair will give us a clearer picture of what to anticipate with our pool temperature. Starting this Monday you will find an hourly temperature reading for our pool posted in our lobby and on our YWCA fitness app.We understand many people choose water aerobic classes because of their low impact and joint benefits.

During these temperature shifts, we welcome you to check out one of our fitness classes, which have matched levels of effort, intensity, and fun! Classes such as “Yoga to Start Your Day,” “Low Interval Training,” “Low Impact Cardio”, “Walking with Awareness,” “Full Body Strength”, “Stability and Balance,” and “Stretch and Strength,” are ALL complimentary to our Water Aerobic Classes.Thank you for your understanding, as we navigate this change. We apologize in advance for any disruption this necessary repair may cause. Please reach out to us with any questions or concerns, we are available to not only answer questions but also to assist you in adding in some new exercise routines in order to achieve the same results in an alternate manner. Please contact Macie Murphy, Membership Coordinator at or 828.254.7206 x 105 or Lauren McTigue, Health & Wellness Coordinator at or 828.254.7206 x 213 with any additional questions!

Roof Replacement

We are delighted to see this much-needed project come to fruition, the final stages of our roof replacement for all three building sections are just one and a half weeks away and we are grateful to our vendor for delivering a safe project that has allowed us to continue programming with minimal interruption.Our roof has been replaced one area at a time, Child Care Lower Hallway, Main Building, and Child Care/Administration Upper Hallway. Our contractors have maintained awareness of child care drop-off, pick-up, and have honored nap times throughout the project. Thank you for your support and flexibility during this update to our building. 


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