Continuing the Challenge: Environmental Justice

April 22 is Earth Day and a good time to remember that environmental justice is a part of racial justice. The movement for Environmental Justice is one that seeks to address the inequitable presence of environmental hazards in marginalized communities. Low-income and minority communities are disproportionately affected by pollution, climate change, and other environmental dangers, often occupying “sacrifice zones” where residents live in areas that are environmentally compromised by polluting industries or military bases. Redlining and urban renewal have also played a part in creating sacrifice zones, and there are many such zones in North Carolina and the Appalachian region.

The Environmental Justice movement has deep roots in North Carolina and we invite you to Continue the Challenge and learn more about this movement, and learn how communities can come together to demand a cleaner, healthier, and safer environment. 

On this Earth Day, as part of our Mission to advance racial justice, we challenge you to:


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